Political Interference Forces Reduction in Agriculture Director Qualifications

The qualifications for the position of Director of Agriculture have been lowered as the posts remain vacant. This change stems from ongoing political involvement in the transfer and promotion processes within the Agriculture Department. As a result, no eligible officers are currently available for promotion to the Director role, leading the state government to lower the requirements.

For years, political interference has delayed promotions, leaving key positions like District Superintendent Agriculture Officer (SAO) and Joint Divisional Director of Agriculture (JDA) unfilled. These delays have had a knock-on effect, now impacting the appointment of directors. Previously, to become a Director, an officer needed at least three years of experience as a JDA. Currently, however, there are no officers who meet this criterion.

As of August 30, 2024, Under Secretary A. No. Sakharkar has issued an order that effectively reduces the qualifications for the Director position. This move clears the way for the existing JDAs to be promoted, but they will continue to receive JDA-level pay, according to sources.

reduction in qualification

Political interference is also evident in higher administrative appointments. Positions are often left vacant so that officials can be selected based on discretion rather than merit. This has led to less-experienced individuals being appointed to significant roles such as Agriculture Secretary, Agriculture Commissioner, and now Director. Historically, the Agriculture Department was overseen by senior officers of Additional Chief Secretary rank. If promotions had taken place on time, qualified JDAs could have filled these important roles. However, ongoing delays have stalled decision-making processes, leaving the government with no option but to lower the eligibility for the Director post.

At present, the Agriculture Department is managed by a secretary-level officer with no background in agriculture or rural development. There is also speculation that a Secretary or Principal Secretary will soon be appointed as Agriculture Commissioner. The Commissioner often communicates with high-ranking officials like Collectors and central government officers, but experienced leaders like Dr. Praveen Gedam have had to step down due to political pressure. Many within the department feel that political influence has left the Agriculture Department weakened.

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